Taking Your Business To The Next Level

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Social Media Management

    • Organic social media posting with content calendar for posting done for you.

    • Content & graphic creations.

    • Analytics reports provided monthly.

    • Social media strategy report will be provided at the start of our partnership.

    • Keywords, hashtags & copywriting research with engaging captions and relevant hashtags.

    • Community management.

    Monthly 1hr call to go over what has happened, what’s happening, & what’s going to happen.

    • Instagram

    • Facebook

    • TikTok

    • LinkedIn

    • Twitter

    • Pinterest (separate pricing)

  • Book a Free discovery call today, and we will craft a custom package tailored to your business goals.

Social LifeSAVER

    • Monthly content calendar.

    • Monthly call to develop strategy and review analytics.

    • 5 story graphics per month.

    • 12 monthly posts

      • 8 static posts & 4 reels

      • Including graphics with your visual identity and captions using your brands tone of voice. Videos will be provided by the client.

    • Scheduled content to take the thought out of posting.

    • Instagram

    • Facebook

    • LinkedIn

    • Twitter

  • Book a free discovery call today, and we will craft a custom package tailored to your business goals.

Our Process

  • A 30min FREE call to learn about you and your business.

    Our call will be focused on learning about your business needs by diving deep into the questionnaire provided after our discovery call.

    We’ll dive deep into pricing options, what we can provide, and understanding your target audience.

  • After the questionnaire is sent back and you have reviewed our pricing/service options, we’ll review your answers to develop:

    • Full Market Analysis

    • Competitor Research

    • Brand Analysis

  • We then hand over our findings in an easily digested detailed report, including:

    • Social Media Audit and/or Website Audit

    • Step By Step Strategy Plan

    • Content Ideas w/ Grid Layout

    • Branding Voice

    • Competitor Analysis

    • Hashtag Analysis

    For each social platform, we will provide:

    • Objectives — Target Audience — KPI’s — Content Buckets — Hashtag — Content Details

  • We come back together to dive deeper into the report. Time is spent answering questions, brainstorm additional ideas, and plan out our next steps with the strategy presented.

Stand Alone Services

  • Graphics

    5 Graphics to SPICE up your feed


  • Copywriting & Hashtags

    Can’t think of what to say to catch your audience?

    12 Captions with hashtag research from your industry will enhance your already done posts.


  • Social Media Audit Day

    Spend a day combing through your social media accounts (up to 3)

    Providing a full outline of recommendations. The report explains the strategy we have curated, list of reasons for MSDs recommendations and examples.


    If you would like to continue with our services, a discount will be applied to our Social Media Management Package

  • Custom Built Content Calendar

    28-30-31 Day Calendar provided with inspire, ask, evergreen, education, connect, & convert content in order for your business to make a meaningful impact on social media.

    $450 Per Month

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